Let's offer your followers a Valentine's Day recipe.
That's easy! My Dad said, "Nothing tastes better
than Daddy Cake," and my mother made it for him
every Friday.
I love this photo of Aunt Ruth admiring a cake from one of our many shared holidays. She is still recovering from her autumn challenges, but she hasn't lost a step when it comes to loving her friends and family. Aunt Ruth and I relish reminiscing about her children, my grandparents, cousins, and my sisters. These talks always include what my grandmother, my mother, or she cooked. Photos and recipes blanket her recovery room, and you can almost smell the love. You know the book, Love, Loss, and What I Wore? My family should change the last part to What I Ate!
When Loving Aunt Ruth finds its publisher (yes, we remain hopeful!), there will be many recipes from which to choose. After all, this is a story about love, and in my family love is spelled, f-o-o-d!
Until the book release, Aunt Ruth wants you to have her mother's recipe for Daddy Cake. After all, it's Friday, so she hopes you'll make it for someone you love!